
Tuesday, 28 December 2010


Location of Wakatobi Island


          one district in Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. The capital of the district is located in Wangi Wangi, established by the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 29 of 2003, dated December 18, 2003. Its area is 823 km ² and has a population of 94 846 in 2011 inhabitants. Wakatobi is also the name of a national park set in 1996, with a total area of ​​1.39 million hectares, of the biodiversity of the sea, the scale and the conditions of coral which occupies one of the highest priority position of marine conservation in Indonesia.

Flora and Fauna

Based on data from the Operational Wallacea (Opwal), Wakatobi has 750 of the 850 coral species in the world. More of the collection in the Caribbean that only 650 species. No wonder, when the beauty of the underwater world in Wakatobi will be commensurate with views over the sea. Not to mention the wealth of the island budaya.Tiap have different characteristics.
In this park there is a panoramic view of the beauty of the underwater world that has 25 pieces of coral reefs. Coral reefs can be found around 112 types of 13 families located on 25 points along 600 km of coastline. The types of coral including:
  • Acropora formosa
  • Hyacinthus
  • Psammocora profundasafla
  • Pavona cactus
  • Leptoseris yabei
  • Fungia molucensis
  • Lobophyllia robusta
  • Merulina ampliata
  • Platygyra versifora
  • Euphyllia glabrescens
  • Tubastraea frondes
  • Stylophora pistillata
  • Sarcophyton throchelliophorum
  • Sinularia spp.


In addition to the beauty that is presented by the diverse coral reef, the park also has a variety of fish species. Fish species richness of this national park owned as many as 93 species of fish consumption and trade of ornamental fish include:
  • Argus bintik (Cephalopholus argus)
  • Takhasang (Naso unicornis)
  • Pogo-pogo (Balistoides viridescens)
  • Ikan Napoleon (Cheilinus undulatus)
  • Ikan merah (Lutjanus biguttatus)
  • Baronang (Siganus guttatus)
  • Amphiprion melanopus
  • Chaetodon specullum
  • Chelmon rostratus
  • Heniochus acuminatus
  • Lutjanus monostigma
  • Caesio caerularea

Wakatobi Island Beauty



Thursday, 23 December 2010


Lembeh Strait History

            Mawali wreck the literal meaning of junk Mawali is one point diving in Lembeh Strait which proved to have historical value. Looks like his name, at this point there is evidence of the history of World War II Japanese war wreck show called Mawali which sank in the days of World War II. The cargo ship caught fire and sank in the Lembeh Strait, in 1943.             The historical value is the main attraction of the divers in addition to the beauty of the coral and marine bio. Because they can see the direct evidence of the history of World War II ships with a length of approximately 65 meters. Mawali wreck can be found at a depth of 15 -30 meters below sea Lembeh Strait. The hull has been covered with soft corals and algae decades. So on the face of the above does not seem like a shipwreck. The structure of the standard form of the ship can be seen when going from downstream, or carefully observing the position of the vessel shape from top to bottom. Although the state of the wreck is still intact, but it is not safe to ride because of the instability of the structure due to age and the influence of sea water. There are certain limits where the divers are allowed to explore and see from a safe distance. Mawali Wreck Dive Spot, located right on the edge of the back and forth flow of ships passing through the Strait of Lembeh. With a fairly strong water flow during the day and combined with the depth it is highly recommended for divers to dive in the morning. Because in the morning haris visibility is still very good and fast-flowing yet. In addition, also for professional divers who love to dive two to four times a day is recommended to make this point because the first location in relation to its depth. The hull also be a variety of marine life that exist in the Lembeh Strait. Unique sea creatures that can be found such as Scorpion Fish, Spotted Barramundi Cod, Ghost Pipefish, Stonefish, Batfish, Frogfish, School of Shrimpfish, Banded Sea Snake, Leatherjacket Fish, Shrimp Tozeuma, Pygmy Seahorse and lionfish.

Location of Lembeh Strait 


          To get to the Lembeh straits, must first overland along the ± 45 kilometers from the city of Manado to Bitung town. In the journey from Manado to Bitung, public transportation is used, among others, is a bus-sized double ankle 3/4 or taxi from Manado to Bitung. Arriving in Bitung, proceed with the sea crossing by boat motors ± 15 minutes from Bitung seaport. This crossing is relatively very safe because the sea is blocked by the island of Lembeh so surface water is relatively calm.

Flora and Fauna

Flora and fauna in the strait lembeh indeed very fascinating. Various fascinating fish, colorful coral reefs and other marine animals such as octopus, Banggai cardinalfish, squid, scallops colorful, mandarin fish, lion fish with bright colors, and also a variety of other flora and fauna that will surely make you feel at home for long under the sea.

Lembeh Strait Beauty


Bangka Island History

           The Province of Bangka Belitung , Bangka Island primarily alternated be conquered area of Sriwijaya and Majapahit . After the capitulation of the Netherlands , Bangka Belitung Islands became a British colony as the " Duke of Island " . May 20, 1812 the British rule ended after the London Convention August 13, 1824 , the colony power shifts between MH Bangka Belitung . Court ( UK ) with K. Hcyes ( Netherlands ) in Muntok on December 10, 1816 . Dutch rule against it Depati Depati Barin and his son Amir , which was known as Amir Depati war ( 1849-1851 ) . The defeat of the war led to Depati Amir Amir Depati exiled to the village of Kupang NTT Tears . On the basis of Stbl . 565 , dated December 2, 1933 on March 11, 1933 in the form of the Pacific Islands Onderhoregenheden Resindetil led by a resident of the Pacific Islands with 6 Onderafdehify which is led by Ast . Resident . In Bangka Island are 5 Onderafdehify which eventually became 5 residency was in Belitung Island are 1 residency . In the era of Japan , the Pacific Islands residency in command by the Japanese military government called Bangka Beliton Ginseibu . After the proclamation of independence of the Republic of Indonesia, by the Dutch in the form of Bangka While the Council on December 10, 1946 ( stbl.1946 38 ) which then officially became Bangka Council , chaired by Datuk Musarif appointed Leo Bandaharo Netherlands on 11 November 1947 . Board of Bangka an Autonomous Government Institutions High . On January 23, 1948 ( stb1.1948 123 ) , Council of Bangka , Belitung Council and County Council joined the Federation of Bangka Belitung and Riau ( FABERI ) which is a part of the Republic of Indonesia (RIS ) . Based on Presidential Decree No. 141 Year 1950 RIS re-unite with the Republic of Indonesia ( Republic of Indonesia ) to apply the law No. 22 of 1948. On April 22, 1950 by the Government submitted to the Pacific Islands region of South Sumatra Governor Dr . Mohd . lsa witnessed by Prime Minister Dr . The judge and the Pacific Islands Council disbanded . As a resident of the Pacific Islands designated R. Soemardja domiciled in Pangkalpinang.Berdasarkan 1950 Provisional Constitution and Law No. 22 of 1948 and Law No. 4 dated 16 November 1956 residency of the Pacific Islands are located in South Sumatra and Bangka also formed small town Pangkalpinang . Under Law No. 1 of 1957 became Municipal Pangkalpinang . On May 13, 1971 President Soeharto inaugurated as the capital of Sungai Liat Bangka . Under Law No. 27 of 2000 Pangkalpinang City area , Bangka and Belitung province becomes province of Bangka Belitung , the Acting Governor of the Amur Muhasyim first Drs SH dsn first Chairman of the Parliament H. Emron Pangkapi . Furthermore, since the date of January 27, 2003 archipelagic province of Bangka Belitung experiencing regional growth by adding 4 new districts namely West Bangka Regency , Central Bangka , Bangka Belitung and South East .

Location of Bangka Island


          Bangka Island is located next to the East coast of South Sumatra , bordering the South China Sea to the north , east and Belitung Island in the Java Sea in the south of 1 ° 20' - 7 3 ° south latitude and 105 ° - 107 ° east longitude extending from Northwest to Southeast along the ± 180 km . The island consists of swamp , fen , hills and dense jungle hilltop there , whereas in the mangrove swamps there . Bangka island swamp land is not so different from the swamp on the island of Sumatra , while the beaches privilege compared to other regions are sloping beaches with white sandy expanse of granite decorated. Bangka Regency has an area of ​​± 2950.68 km ² , with a population of 2003 as many as 217 545 people. Bangka district boundaries are as follows :

The north bordering the Natuna Sea
East by the Natuna Sea and the Strait of Gaspar
The south by the City of Niagara Pinang and Central Bangka
West borders with the West Bangka Regency , Bangka Strait and the Gulf of fenugreek

Flora and Fauna

          In Bangka Belitung grow various kinds of quality wood is traded outside the region such as: Wooden Meranti, Ramin, Mambalong, Mandaru, Bulin and Kerengas. Other forest plants are: Kapok, Jelutung, Pulai, Gelam, Meranti swamp, Mentagor, Mahang, Mangrove and others. Other forest products is a natural byproduct mainly honey and rattan. Bangka Belitung famous honey with honey pahit.Fauna in Bangka Belitung had more in common with the fauna in the Riau Islands and Peninsular Malaysia than in Sumatra. Some types of animals that can be found in the islands of the Pacific Islands include: deer, monkey, monkey, monkey, Boar, Tringgiling, Weasel, Eagle, Chicken Forest, Lemur Mouse Deer, Snake manifold and Lizard.

Beauty of Bangka Island


Tulamben History

The town's name is derived from the word batulambih, which roughly translates as "many stones" a reference to the destructive eruptions by Mount Agung that have effected this part of Bali from time to time. The beach in Tulamben is not made of sand, but entirely covered with fairly large, smooth stones. The modern name evolved over time, first to "Batulamben" and finally settling on the contraction Tulamben ("batu" means "stone" in Indonesian).

Location  of Tulamben



          Located about 100km away from Ngurah Rai Airport, or about 3 hours away by car towards the eastern part of the island of the Gods. This place is indeed one of the best diving sites in the Indonesian archipelago, European travelers are usually the most likes with this recreation, it is not surprising that many foreign tourists from France, Switzerland, Spain, German, Dutch. Mmereka spends his days at Tulamben to see underwater biodiversity.

Flora and Fauna

          The uniqueness of this attraction is the sunken wreck of the United States named the USS Liberty that coral in the second world war but there is also a saying by the earthquake and the eruption of Mount Agung in 1963. Regardless of what is right or wrong, Tulamben remains a favorite location for diving.Now the wreck is home to thousands of fish and other marine life that exist in Tulamben. And a favorite place for divers. To reach the location of the wreck is easy because it is only 25 meters from the shoreline to a depth of 5 to 30 meters below sea level, so anyone can though still a beginner.
          In Tulamben's sea we could see some fish species are quite rare to encounter like-Mola Mola fish, Hammerhead Sharks, Whale Sharks and fish. When my friend visited and stayed to this location, choose a hotel that provides tour packages diving in Tulamben is that my friend did not bother to look for another travel agent. Balibackpacker recommend Matahari Tulamben Resort as a place to stay at the same dive buddy as already experienced decades.

 Beauty of Tulamben

Friday, 17 December 2010


  Raja Ampat Island History

          The name of Raja Ampat comes from local mythology that tells about a woman who finds seven eggs. Four of the seven eggs hatch and become kings that occupy four of Raja Ampat biggest islands whilst the other three become a ghost, a woman, and a stone.
          History shows that Raja Ampat was once a part of Tidore Kingdom, an influential kingdom from Maluku. Yet, after the Dutch invaded Maluku, it was shortly claimed by the Netherlands. The main occupation for people around this area is fishing since the area is dominated by the sea. They live in a small colony of tribes that spreads around the area. Although traditional culture still strongly exists, they are very welcoming to visitors. Their religion is dominantly Christian.

 Location of Raja Ampat Island

          Raja Ampat Islands is a series of four adjacent group of islands located in the western part of the Bird's Head ( Vogelkoop ) Papua Island . Administratively , this cluster is under the Raja Ampat , West Papua Province , Indonesia . The islands are now a destination for divers who are interested in the beauty of the underwater scenery . The four islands that are members named by the four biggest islands , namely Waigeo Island , Misool Island , Salawati Island , and Island Batanta .
Raja Ampat is a fraction of Sorong regency , since 2003 . The district has a population of 31,000 souls has 610 islands ( only 35 islands are inhabited and most do not yet have ) with an area of ​​about 46,000 km2 , but only 6,000 km2 of land , 40,000 km2 , the sea again . As the islands, the only inter- island transport and supporting community activities Raja Ampat is sea transport . Similarly, to reach Waisai , the district capital . When using aircraft , first to the city of Sorong . After that , the trip from Sorong to Waisai followed by sea transport . Facilities available are fast ships with a capacity of 10 , 15 , or 30 people . At a cost of approximately Rp . 2 million , Waisai can be reached within 1.5 to two hours .

 Flora dan Fauna

West Papua or Papua Barat, formerly Irian Jaya, is the western half of New Guinea Island. Its inhabitants are Melanesian Papuans. This is one of Indonesia's most remote and least visited regions. It is sparsely populated due to its rugged terrain, which contributed to the 250 distinct languages spoken here. West Papua is one of the last frontiers of tourism. Although New Guinea was first settled about 60,000 years ago, West Papua came under Dutch control and remained there until 1962 when the territory was ceded to Indonesia. Christian missionaries arrived with the Dutch and are still a big presence in West Papua. An active Free Papua Movement continues to push for independence from Indonesia. Gone are the days of fierce warriors and cannibals. Today coastal inhabitants fish, highland residents farm, and many others work in the mining or forestry industries. Sago and sweet potatoes replace rice as the staple food of West Papua. The area is rich in natural resources. The huge Freeport copper and gold mine at 3700m (12000ft) is a joint venture that contributes to the Indonesian economy.

 Island beauty Kangean


          Located off the northwest tip of Bird's Head Peninsula on the island of New Guinea, in Indonesia's West Papua province, Raja Ampat, or the Four Kings, is an archipelago comprising over 1,500 small islands, cays, and shoals surrounding the four main islands of Misool, Salawati, Batanta, and Waigeo, and the smaller island of Kofiau. Raja Ampat Regency is a new regency which separated from Sorong Regency in 2004.[1] It encompasses more than 40,000 km² of land and sea, which also contains Cenderawasih Bay, the largest marine national park in Indonesia. It is a part of the newly named West Papua (province) of Indonesia which was formerly Irian Jaya. Some of the islands are the most northern pieces of land in the Australian continent.

Thursday, 16 December 2010


Location of Maratua Island



         Maratua Island is the outermost island of Indonesia located in the Celebes Sea and is bordered by the states of Malaysia. Maratua This is part of the government district of Berau, East Kalimantan province. Small shaped island is long and curved sharply located in the south of the town of Tarakan with coordinates 2 ° 15'12 "N, 118 ° 38'41" E (at the outer boundary). In this island there is a lake and Lake Land Haji Remove Bamban.
         To achieve Maratua, you can use a fast boat from Tanjung Batu in less than an hour. During an hour's drive, you can enjoy the natural beauty around including blue sea and clear sky or a bird which is sometimes colored clouds which made ​​the time go unnoticed.

Flora dan Fauna

         In this world, where listed species of jellyfish has no sting only in 2 places. Indonesia was very lucky to have this species of jellyfish. Remarkably, without any type of jellyfish sting on the island is not just one type, but there are 4 types. Travelers need not fear at all holding these types of jellyfish, even with bare hands. This is the most unique uniqueness of the island Maratua hard to beat in the world. Picture taken while holding the Jellyfish is a momment that you can not do other parts of the world.

Island Beauty Maratua

          Foreign tourists often visit this island for snorkeling and diving . No wonder tourism borneo Maratua known as Paradise Island , paradise for divers and marine tourist hunters .Borneo Tourism Object Maratua has become a marine tourism destination of the world. Although the infrastructure on the island is not well organized and distance as well as the costs incurred to be vacationing on the island " paradise " is paid by the diver underwater beauty and the exquisite panoramic offshore in the early stage and late afternoon . Expanse of the open sea and the white sand is the main attraction Maratua .          The redness in the west coast of the island makes the horizon so beautiful . Plus crystal clear sea water like expanses of glass make this island as paradise that fell to earth . For both novice and professional divers , the island is a mandatory place to visit. Here visitors or divers can see turtles - turtles that live and lay eggs on this island . Travelers can even feed the turtles - the turtles in the sea is not very deep and clear water as she took pictures of course .         For both novice and professional divers , the island is a mandatory place to visit. Here visitors or divers can see turtles - turtles that live and lay eggs on this island . Travelers can even feed the turtles - the turtles in the sea is not very deep and clear water as she took pictures of course .

Saturday, 11 December 2010


Diving locations are beautiful as in Heaven (only in Indonesia)

Do you like diving? If you like it you have you ever visited dive destination point in Indonesia?
some dive sites that have extraordinary beauty like a paradise. Because it is too beautiful, diving lovers make anyone want to visit several places in Indonesia.


Kangean Island History

          Whenever island shaped like doves were found , there is no clear explanation . Also why it was given the name " Kangean " no definite description . Zainal Fattah who never became Patih ( Vice Regent ) in Sumenep before the fall of the Netherlands East Indies and at certain times come to the island to conduct inspections stated , that according to the old story , the island is the dj yes still the soil clods according to circumstances arising sinking tide .           If the tides, the island will not be visible from a distance . But if the low tide , the island will appear sepenti surface. Therefore , by the old people first given the name " Kangean " , the origin and the word " kaaengan " ( Madura language ) that benarti submerged in water . 1 )          In ancient times , kings used Kangean Island in Sumenep limbo people who get severe punishment . There is the matter of a criminal , but no less than the matter of politics , ( considered disloyal to the king or an influential subordinates ) .

Location of Kangean Island


         The location of the island Kangean ± 98 miles on the east side of the island of Madura , just north of the island of Bali , floating between the Java Sea and the Madura Strait . But according to the Map of Indonesia ( Archipelago ) issued by PT Karya Trustees Swajaya Surabaya in 1988 , the boundary region Kangean Islands west of Madura Strait , Java Sea north , east and south of the Flores Sea Bali Sea .
Subdistrict Arjasa ( island Kagean ) the extent of 460.96 km2 , District 2 Sapeken 86.3 km2 , the number of 547.28 km2 . Based on Population Census 1990 population of 74 738 people with the District Arjasa kepadatar ! People/km2 162 , while the District Sapeken 31,050 people with a density of 360 oranglKm2 . The population kep ulauafl Kangean = 105 788 people or density = 193 people/km2 .
Around the island there are dozens of small islands Kangean other . There is already a place of human settlement , some are still empty . Fertile soil produces a lot of rice , maize , cassava and coconut . Dense forests , many produce teak and others , transported to Madura .
Forest area is located on the island of Kangean ( 24 879 ha ) , Paliat ( 3807.5 ha ) , Whole ( 7639.1 ha ) , number of 36326.1 hectares or 74 % , and forests around the Madurese ( 49 280 ha ) .

Flora dan Fauna         

          In the forest there was a leopard ( Ramoksalengkak , Batulawang and Gung Eteng , Kangean ) , forest buffalo ( Paliat the south and southeast ) , deer ( Whole and Saobi ) , bird -footed ( Saobi ) and deer ( Kangean and Paliat ) . Manokan is not inhabited by humans ( group of islands located northwest of the island Sapeken ) is the island where the sea birds before dusk thousands of fluttering tail freely . If used as a recreation area ( marine tourism ) with the show picking up the eggs of birds is very impressive .
Surrounding sea produce fish , turtles , roots bahar and others , transported to Bali , Banyuwangi , Penarukan , Pasuruan , Probolinggo , Surabaya and Madura . Chicken ranged which is also known as chicken Cukir famous everywhere , decorate the houses of people happy sonority of his voice in Madura , Surabaya , Jakarta and others. Examples can be seen in Taman Mini Indonesia Indah . The existence of the chickens ranged confinement now adorned with carved and villages Karduluk District of Bluto ( Sumenep ) . By Decision of the Governor , Regional Head of East Java dated 4 April 1989 Number : 556/401/201 chicken ranged which is the result of cross-breeding between domestic hens with stud partridges ( Gallus Janus ) and tuberose flowers ( Polyanthus tuberosa ) that smells fragrance has been appointed as the mascot or the identity of East Java province in terms of fauna and flora .

 Island beauty Kangean


          Mamburit is an island that became a bodyguard at the entrance to the island Kangean . If motor boats coming and going will be docked at the harbor pier Batuguluk , the left will look Mamburit the island , white beaches and clean . On the island there is a panoramic Mamburit nautical, marine gardens called the " Sea Garden of Mamburit " . Of the surface can be seen clearly the rocks on the sea floor , sea plants and other types of colorful ornamental fish , roam freely . Another garden is located between the sea and the harbor Patapan Bunginnyarat Island on the east coast , more beautiful and fascinating than exist on the island Mamburit .
Yellow cave located on the north coast . Inside are stone pillars that come and drip- drip of the water that berjatuhafl and top to form something natural , lo ihat such as rice and a pile of others. In the southeast , altitude and surrounding natural Tembayangan is no less beautiful panorama . As far as the eye could see , was bored made ​​. In the distance there seemed scattered islands , which are Saobi and breakfast table . Bleached beaches around the island , on top of green palm leaves waving Iambai . Saobi island (south ) there are forest wildlife .
Parks baths tenletak Jelgung the north coast east Cave Yellow is a convergence of sea water baths garden with fresh water . South of the existing park at the bottom of the cave baths . Fresh water is very refreshing . Fish floats were very charming , wandering looks like tame - tame easily captured . Lots of interesting things there . In addition to buffalo kerapan called ' mam marker " to the accompaniment of 10 ponytail when racing , sports gelut ( okol Mad , gellok said the Kangean ) , pangkak ( sing and dance a team of men ) , Heroine horse with fiance after harvest and other etc. , all of them will have its own charm and perhaps all of it is typical Kangean Island .


Location of Banda Island

          Banda Island, located approximately 132 km south-east of Ambon, consists of three large islands and seven smaller islands, at the height of the deepest ocean outskirts of Indonesia, Banda Sea. Near the island Manuk, the water reached a depth of over 6,500 meters. Of the three largest islands: the island of Banda, Banda-Neira Island, and Volcano Island, the first two islands are covered with nutmeg trees and other vegetation, while the third island, not overgrown with trees and landed volcanic. The seas around Banda are the site of the most famous Maluku sea gardens with their bright corals and colorful fish are in crystal clear water and make it suitable for darting through dive, snorkel or just to see it.

The beauty of the island of Banda


Adventure in exotic islands ever visited by celebrities such as Princess of York , Sarah Ferguson to Mick Jagger . not so easy Flights from Ambon continued with Pelni erratic or chartered boatBanda Island Diving Places :Sonegat : dive sites nearby for a good diver is only five minutes from the hotel when using a boat . Located in sonegat - sea arm " between Banda Neira and Gunung Api , just offshore from a small seaside house owned by Des Alwi , the Bandas most famous son . The depth of the water and the steep wall extends 25 meters to the end of the beach . There are a few fish in this area , but a nice size of Dogtooth tuna are in this area and some fish blue girdled and emperor angelfish pretty well contained herein .Keraka Island : Island Keraka or Crab Island just minutes away , and protect the passage of the northern door - Neira Island Volcano . A stretch of sand on the north coast is perfect for a picnic . In the south coast , there are several mini - wall as high as 18 meters that is covered with hundreds of large blue and yellow tunicates . Turning to the east coast , you can see at a depth of 10 meters , a variety of reef fish and a bunch of half meter long barracudas .Sjahrir Stone Island and Ship Island Sjahrir or formerly known as the Stone Boat Banana Island and only 20 minutes from the hotel in Banda Neira by boat . Two sites combine well for a morning dive , a picnic on the beach , and an afternoon dive .Volcano : In the Month of May , 1988 , explosion of the mountain has killed almost all offshore coral formations located around Gunung Api , but amazingly diverse spread of sponges . Some corals began to grow back , but a great sea landscape remains bleak due to the absence of walls in Volcano . The bottom slopes gradually to 30-35 meters .Palmyra Island : The outer edge of the palm island , which represents part of the rim of a sunken caldera , offers some good diving spots .Dutch Stone : In this place , you will find a variety of barrel and tube sponges , and small caves and fissures . The fish are in a district that is very varied and diverse : a group of snappers , large emperor , and blue - girdled angelfish , wrasses , large pinnate bat - fish and a variety of bannerfish .Dutch Stone : In this place , you will find a variety of barrel and tube sponges , and small caves and fissures . The fish are in a district that is very varied and diverse : a group of snappers , large emperor , and blue - girdled angelfish , wrasses , large pinnate bat - fish and a variety of bannerfish .Ai Island : Together with Hatta Island , this island offers the best dive sites on the island of Banda . Both in the north and the south and west of the island of Ai , surrounded by coral walls perfect , which is not flat and full of caves , harbors fish habitat .Hatta Island : Hatta Island is only 25 km from the island of Banda Neira . Skaru a coral atoll and below sea level can be found a few hundred yards from the southern island of Hatta . On a rock that appears on the surface of the earth , you can see the parade of unicornfish , Fusiliersm Jack Fish , and Rainbow Runners , often seen Whitetip Sharks ( almost 2 meters ) and Dogtoothed Tuna , Napoleon Wrasse , and Hawksbill Turtles .The Getting There