
Monday, 3 January 2011


Location of Togean Island

Administratively, the islands belonging to the region Togean Tojo Una-Una regency, Central Sulawesi. a cluster of small islands in the middle of the transverse Tomini. There are 6 major islands in the archipelago, namely Batudaka, Talatakoh, Togean, Una Una, Walea Bahi and Walea Kodi. This area is a tropical maritime climate with seasonal climatic properties. Based on the record BAKOSURTANAL, the dry season occurs between August and November, while the rainy season occurs between December and July. The maximum temperature range from 34 degrees Celsius and the minimum temperature is around 26 degrees Celsius. Record of 50 years conducted in Una Una shows the average 3246 mm rainfall per year. Waves and currents in the waters around the islands Togean relatively quiet throughout the year.

Flora and Fauna

         Togean Islands pick the various types of ecosystems both on land and at sea, ranging from lowland forest (low-land forest), coral reefs (coral reefs), mangroves (mangroves), rocky beaches, and sea grass (sea-grass beds) .Togean Islands are part of an important coral reef ecosystems of the 'Coral Triangle' (Coral Triangle) which are areas that have the highest coral diversity in the world. This covers the coral triangle of Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, until Microneasia. In the document Marine RAP (2001) stated that Togean is "The Heart of the Coral Triangle". Coral reefs in the archipelago Togean rich marine biodiversity with reef type (fringing reef), reef barrier (barrier reef), and coral ring (atoll) are located adjacent to each other.
          Togean Islands has a high biodiversity. On land (terrestrial) and at sea (marine) protected fauna recorded several types of monkeys, for example Togean (Macaca togeanus), lizards Togean and others. Results of Marine Rapid Assessment Program (MRAP) in the islands Togean, conducted by CII in collaboration with the Institute for Oceanography LIPI and the University of Hasanuddin, 1998 and have identified at least 262 species of coral are classified into 19 familia at least 25 coral islands scattered Togean. Results of Marine RAP also documented coral species endemic Togean, namely Acropora togeanensis at 11 observation points reef. 6 new coral species are also found in the Banggai archipelago Togean and that each of the types of the genus Acropora, Porites, Leptoseris, Echinophyllia and 2 types of the genus Galaxea. Based on the research results of Wallace et al, from a total of 91 species of Acropora are found in Indonesia (the highest in the world), 78 of which are in the islands Togean. Coral reef fish species in the archipelago Togean recorded 596 fish species included in 62 familia. Type Paracheilinus togeanensis and Escenius sp allegedly an endemic found only in the islands Togean. It also recorded 555 species of molluscs from 103 familia, 336 gastropods, 211 bivalves, cephalopods 2, 2 and 4 species of chiton Scaphopoda. According to data BKSDA and BAPPEDA Poso, extensive mangrove islands is estimated at about 4,800 ha Togean spread across several large islands such as Talatakoh, Togean, Batudaka, and most of the island Walea Bahi. The existence of mangrove forests (mangroves) in addition to maintaining the integrity of the islands Togean coastline also support the potential of fisheries and coral reef ecosystems is a mainstay of community life Togean. Although it has an area that is not too big, but the mangrove forest has a very important function for the islands Togean which is an area of ​​small islands.
        Survey by CII and the Cornerstone Foundation in 2001 identified 33 mangrove species in Togean Islands consisting of 19 true mangrove species (true mangrove) and 14 species of mangrove follow (associate mangrove). All 33 species of mangrove are grouped in 26 genera and 21 familia.
Fauna that live in the mangrove forest identified at least 50 species belonging to 47 genera, namely the class Aves (10 genera), Pisces (10 genera), amphibian (2 genera), reptiles (3 genera), Mammals (2 genera), and Benthos (20).

Togean Island Beauty

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