
Thursday, 23 December 2010


Bangka Island History

           The Province of Bangka Belitung , Bangka Island primarily alternated be conquered area of Sriwijaya and Majapahit . After the capitulation of the Netherlands , Bangka Belitung Islands became a British colony as the " Duke of Island " . May 20, 1812 the British rule ended after the London Convention August 13, 1824 , the colony power shifts between MH Bangka Belitung . Court ( UK ) with K. Hcyes ( Netherlands ) in Muntok on December 10, 1816 . Dutch rule against it Depati Depati Barin and his son Amir , which was known as Amir Depati war ( 1849-1851 ) . The defeat of the war led to Depati Amir Amir Depati exiled to the village of Kupang NTT Tears . On the basis of Stbl . 565 , dated December 2, 1933 on March 11, 1933 in the form of the Pacific Islands Onderhoregenheden Resindetil led by a resident of the Pacific Islands with 6 Onderafdehify which is led by Ast . Resident . In Bangka Island are 5 Onderafdehify which eventually became 5 residency was in Belitung Island are 1 residency . In the era of Japan , the Pacific Islands residency in command by the Japanese military government called Bangka Beliton Ginseibu . After the proclamation of independence of the Republic of Indonesia, by the Dutch in the form of Bangka While the Council on December 10, 1946 ( stbl.1946 38 ) which then officially became Bangka Council , chaired by Datuk Musarif appointed Leo Bandaharo Netherlands on 11 November 1947 . Board of Bangka an Autonomous Government Institutions High . On January 23, 1948 ( stb1.1948 123 ) , Council of Bangka , Belitung Council and County Council joined the Federation of Bangka Belitung and Riau ( FABERI ) which is a part of the Republic of Indonesia (RIS ) . Based on Presidential Decree No. 141 Year 1950 RIS re-unite with the Republic of Indonesia ( Republic of Indonesia ) to apply the law No. 22 of 1948. On April 22, 1950 by the Government submitted to the Pacific Islands region of South Sumatra Governor Dr . Mohd . lsa witnessed by Prime Minister Dr . The judge and the Pacific Islands Council disbanded . As a resident of the Pacific Islands designated R. Soemardja domiciled in Pangkalpinang.Berdasarkan 1950 Provisional Constitution and Law No. 22 of 1948 and Law No. 4 dated 16 November 1956 residency of the Pacific Islands are located in South Sumatra and Bangka also formed small town Pangkalpinang . Under Law No. 1 of 1957 became Municipal Pangkalpinang . On May 13, 1971 President Soeharto inaugurated as the capital of Sungai Liat Bangka . Under Law No. 27 of 2000 Pangkalpinang City area , Bangka and Belitung province becomes province of Bangka Belitung , the Acting Governor of the Amur Muhasyim first Drs SH dsn first Chairman of the Parliament H. Emron Pangkapi . Furthermore, since the date of January 27, 2003 archipelagic province of Bangka Belitung experiencing regional growth by adding 4 new districts namely West Bangka Regency , Central Bangka , Bangka Belitung and South East .

Location of Bangka Island


          Bangka Island is located next to the East coast of South Sumatra , bordering the South China Sea to the north , east and Belitung Island in the Java Sea in the south of 1 ° 20' - 7 3 ° south latitude and 105 ° - 107 ° east longitude extending from Northwest to Southeast along the ± 180 km . The island consists of swamp , fen , hills and dense jungle hilltop there , whereas in the mangrove swamps there . Bangka island swamp land is not so different from the swamp on the island of Sumatra , while the beaches privilege compared to other regions are sloping beaches with white sandy expanse of granite decorated. Bangka Regency has an area of ​​± 2950.68 km ² , with a population of 2003 as many as 217 545 people. Bangka district boundaries are as follows :

The north bordering the Natuna Sea
East by the Natuna Sea and the Strait of Gaspar
The south by the City of Niagara Pinang and Central Bangka
West borders with the West Bangka Regency , Bangka Strait and the Gulf of fenugreek

Flora and Fauna

          In Bangka Belitung grow various kinds of quality wood is traded outside the region such as: Wooden Meranti, Ramin, Mambalong, Mandaru, Bulin and Kerengas. Other forest plants are: Kapok, Jelutung, Pulai, Gelam, Meranti swamp, Mentagor, Mahang, Mangrove and others. Other forest products is a natural byproduct mainly honey and rattan. Bangka Belitung famous honey with honey pahit.Fauna in Bangka Belitung had more in common with the fauna in the Riau Islands and Peninsular Malaysia than in Sumatra. Some types of animals that can be found in the islands of the Pacific Islands include: deer, monkey, monkey, monkey, Boar, Tringgiling, Weasel, Eagle, Chicken Forest, Lemur Mouse Deer, Snake manifold and Lizard.

Beauty of Bangka Island

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